Meterpreter’s STDAPI extension (the one that always gets loaded) has a new command. This doesn’t happen very often so it’s worth noting.
The new command prints out the currently attached “mounts”. In windows world, that means the normal CD ROM, C drive, etc, but it also means all of the mounted network drives as well.
This gets very interesting when you happen to find yourself in a VM environment where you can start writing files to the host:
meterpreter > show_mount
Mounts / Drives
Name Type Size (Total) Size (Free) Mapped to
---- ---- ------------ ----------- ---------
A:\ removable 0.00 B 0.00 B
C:\ fixed 59.90 GiB 28.15 GiB
D:\ cdrom 0.00 B 0.00 B
Z:\ remote 64.78 GiB 18.09 GiB \\vmware-host\Shared Folders\
I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination for now. But we will come back to this very soon. Huge thanks to @TheColonial - OJ for implementing this much needed option. Merged pull request is here: